--for those who love to create, collect, and admire wire wrapped jewelry, polymer clay faces..and wiener dogs.
Friday, May 02, 2014
Cho Ku Rei Reiki Pendants & Polymer Clay faces on stone ...2 loves expressed this week!
This week has been a combination of wire wrapping and polymer clay. I worked on a bunch of Cho Ku Rei Reiki pendants, a few wire wrapped stone pendants, and some polymer clay faces on stone.
It's funny, I was sitting at my clay workbench last weekend, thinking of my Cho Ku Rei pendants. The symbols just kept coming to me ...and that night someone contacted me requesting one. I saw it as a sign that they needed to be made.
Believe it or not, I've only made these a couple time in the last few years. These Cho Ku Rei pieces are an original design that came to me when I was taking Reiki classes and working on my Reiki Master certification. I don't think I made many for awhile as I was recovering from my eye surgery, and had a lot of chaos going on in my body and brain. Now that life has calmed, and my eyes are healed, I've been compelled to create these, and I'm delighted share my Reiki energies and blessings again. --It feels good!
I've charged each of these with positive healing energies and blessings. I also send blessings regularly in the evenings when I'm admiring the moon and stars. Nothing like a bit of soothing moonlight, and the beautiful night sky, for a bit of serenity and inspiration to share and send blessings.
Okay, I better stop drifting and pouring my soul out about Reiki, and share a few of this weeks clay pieces. ...They too were crafted of love, and admiration -at nature's beauty captured in stone. So many amazing colors and patterns that just draw me in and speak to me. I hope they inspire you too...
Here they are! This week 8 ladies on stone came to life. A few with butterflies, one with a wolf, one with a snake, one with dragonflies, and one with paisley-like adornments.
The two ladies bottom-center are beads on fossilized coral. The other pieces are all stone slabs, from the stash I found a couple weeks ago. The slabs include sodalite, jasper, crazy lace agate, unakite, lepidolite, and blue lace agate. All are pretty and inspired a mix of unique little ladies!
I'll be listing all of these pieces at some point today. Taking pictures now!! Have a GREAT weekend and thanks for visiting me and my blog!!
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